Uncovering the Unrevealed in "Me, Earl and the Dying Girl"

 This movie is the ultimate indie coming-of-age movie but not in a basic way. 

Greg is a struggling and insecure high school senior who hears one of his classmates has been diagnosed with leukemia name Rachel. His mother tells him that he should go be a friend to Rachel but Greg is reluctant. He goes to see her but Rachel brushes him off because she doesn't want his pity but Greg is unfazed, he uses his goofy personality and gets her to laugh. Throughout her cancer journey, Greg and his friend Earl become super close to Rachel and decide to make a film about her. 

The first thing to mention about this film is the cinematography, absolutely amazing. There is a wide variety of colors, shots and angles that make this whole movie so unique and magical. 

There is one quote that will stick with me forever that is from this movie, "Even after someone dies, you can still keep learning about them." - Mr. McCarthy

TRAILER: (must see)


This is my favorite shot from the whole movie. It definitely might even be my favorite shot in all the movies I've seen as well. 

--------------------------------------------------Spoilers Ahead!----------------------------------------------------------

With this quote, it basically summed up the entire ending to this movie. 

After Rachel died, Greg was absolutely distraught, he couldn't fathom the fact that someone he knew for such a short time of his life and someone he truly thought would survive actually died. But, the movie still went on because Rachel did not die. She lived through every memory and souvenir Greg uncovered when he went to look through her room after her funeral. 

Greg found many books that had been carved and cut out to form an art piece which was something that he never new about her when she was alive (refer back to the quote at the top). He also found drawings of chipmunks in the wallpaper of Rachel's room. Going back to the analogy Greg made about the "moose and the chipmunk" in regards to his love life, we see that Rachel is represented as a chipmunk, not that she had a crush on Greg but in the "moose and chipmunk" analogy, she was the real chipmunk all along. 

So much to uncover about this fantastic work of art but here is where I bid adieu. 


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